The booklet includes an overview over the programme, all abstracts and some practical information.
Dear friends and colleagues,
I am very excited to welcome you all to the 32nd Neurodiab conference! The meeting is taking place in beautiful surroundings in the centre of the historical UNESCO city of Bergen in Norway, well worth a visit in itself, also known as the “Gateway to the Fjords”.
The aim of this Neurodiab meeting is to combine exciting and perhaps provocative symposia and lectures on diabetic neuropathy with ample opportunities for the presentation of the latest research results.
With a great venue and programme, we hope to encourage you all to “take the leap” and attend on-site in Bergen. We have all suffered through more than two years of restrictions due to the pandemic, so we are sure that you will find the opportunity to socialise, discuss and interact face-to-face most stimulating and inspiring.
We would also like to extend a special invitation to younger colleagues, with reduced costs and great opportunities to get up-to-date on the field. Also, we aim to have a global reach within diabetic neuropathy, so new participants from around the world will be warmly welcomed!
We cannot promise warm weather, polar bears or northern lights. BUT, we do promise a rewarding time both scientifically and personally – and who knows – maybe even the sun will shine on us?
See you in Bergen!
Eirik Søfteland
Leader of the local organising committee