Organising Committee

Eirik Søfteland
Eirik Søfteland is a consultant endocrinologist at Haukeland University Hospital, as well as associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen, Norway.
His clinical and research focus has been on diabetes complications of the autonomic nervous system. He is presently also serving as the Secretary of the Neurodiab Executive Committee.

Sondre Meling
Sondre Meling is a consultant endocrinologist at Stavanger University Hospital (Norway) as well as PhD-candidate at the University of Bergen. His research focuses on the interplay between the autonomic nervous system and the incretin effect.

Christina Brock
Christina Brock is a fulltime professor at Aalborg University and leads the Mech-Sense research unit at Aalborg University Hospital:
Her main scientific focus is characterization and
modulation of the autonomic nervous system, in health
and indysautonomia,e.g., as a sequlea to diabetes.
She is further involved in linking diabetic neuropathy to
systemic inflammatory processes andomics in order to
improve the pathophysiological understanding
of the underlying mechanisms.

Prashanth Vas
Prash Vas is a consultant in Diabetes and Diabetes Foot Medicine at King's College Hospital, as well as a honorary senior clinical lecturer at King's College, London and a visiting professor at the University of Staffordshire. Dr Vas's current research is focused on the lower limb complications of diabetes including the aetiopathogenesis and treatment of diabetic foot ulcers, and in the validation of new techniques designed for the early detection of neuropathy. He is the co-founder of the British Diabetic Neuropathy Symposium, which is the only academic meeting in the UK on diabetic neuropathy.